Healthy Holiday Mindset

Family, friends, and food are all important parts of the holidays. But holidays can also be a time of stress and weight gain for many of us.
Rae Lee
February 1, 2023
Healthy Holiday Mindset

Family, friends, and food are all important parts of the holidays. But the holidays can also be a time of stress and weight gain for many of us. Here are some tips to help you stay fit and healthy during the holidays.

The holiday challenge

The holidays are a time for friends, family, and fun, but they can also be stressful and lead to overeating. If you want to stay healthy and fit over the holidays, you might run into some problems.

Here are a few tips to help you overcome fitness challenges in the holidays:

  1. Don't let your workouts slide. During the holidays, it's easy to forget about your exercise routine, but don't do that! Make sure to schedule time for your workouts and try as hard as you can to keep to them.
  2. Avoid holiday weight gain. During the holidays, people often eat and drink too much, which can make them gain weight. Try to eat smart and choose healthy foods when you can. And be sure to drink lots of water!
  3. Get enough sleep. During the holidays, it's hard to sleep, but it's important to get enough rest. If you don't, you'll be more likely to eat and do things that are bad for you.
  4. Give yourself some time. Getting ready for the holidays can be a lot of work, so make sure to schedule some time for yourself. This could be anything from taking a yoga class to going for a walk by yourself. Just give yourself some time to rest and recharge!

How to get through the holidays without packing on the pounds

Family, friends, and food are all important parts of the holidays. Plenty to eat. It can be hard to say no to all the tasty food and not gain weight. Here are a few tips to keep you from gaining weight over the holidays:

  1. Stick to your workout plan and start as soon as you can. Don't let the fun of the holidays throw you off. If you can't get to the gym, you can run or walk outside.
  2. Eat before you go to a holiday party so you won't be as tempted by all the unhealthy food. And when you're at a party, talk to people instead of nibbling.
  3. Don't go overboard. Even though it's the holidays, that doesn't mean you have to eat and drink too much. Have a little of your favorite holiday foods and drinks without feeling bad about it.
  4. When you can, choose healthy foods. Try making healthier versions of traditional dishes if you're cooking for a holiday party. And for dessert, choose something light like fruit or yogurt instead of pies or cakes that are heavy.
  5. Keep moving! During the holidays, the best way to keep weight off is to stay active. So if you can't make it to the gym, find other ways to stay active, like

With a little bit of organisation and some simple swaps, you can still enjoy all your favourite holiday foods while maintaining your healthy lifestyle. It's all about finding the balance that works for you and sticking to it. So, if you're looking to stay fit and healthy this holiday season, don't be discouraged - with a bit of effort, you can make it happen!

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