Food Choices During the Holidays

Making smarter food and lifestyle decisions ahead of time will help you keep your health in check and prevent gaining weight during holidays
Rae Lee
February 1, 2023
Food Choices During the Holidays

Food, family, and friends are what the holidays are all about. The Christmas season is a time when many individuals put their usual healthy eating routines on hold in favor of their most beloved comfort foods. Still, it need not be that way! Making smarter food and lifestyle decisions ahead of time will help you keep your health in check and prevent gaining weight during the holidays.

We discuss ways to eat better throughout the holidays without breaking the bank. So, whether you want to be in shape for the holidays or simply maintain your current weight, keep reading for some helpful advice!

1. Aim for a balance of nourishing and pleasurable foods

2. Find a new healthy recipe you are excited to try

3. Eat mindfully 

4. Eat at the table without screens

5. Fully enjoy the foods you choose to eat

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