Rushed Breakfast

Have you found yourself too rushed in the morning for breakfast? Here are some inspirations that are a lifesaver for those busy mornings!
Rae Lee
February 2, 2023
Rushed Breakfast

Have you found yourself too rushed in the morning for breakfast? 

Do you wake up late, have kids to get ready for school, never feel like eating right away or always have breakfast last on your mind in the morning? 

You might need a balanced breakfast that you can take on the go with you. 

Maybe even something that you have prepared ahead of time, because let’s face it, the unexpected comes up in the morning and it’s better to be prepared. 

Here is some inspiration that is sure to be a lifesaver for those busy mornings! 

  1. Kodiak frozen flapjacks: pop a pack in the microwave for 90 seconds and top with a tablespoon of almond butter, peanut butter or another nut butter of choice. 
  2. Hard-boiled eggs and an apple: you will get protein from the egg white, fat from the egg yolk and carbs from the apple. Don’t forget a little salt and pepper for flavoring for your eggs! 
  3. Egg sandwich: top an English muffin with an egg white patty, thin slice of cheese and piece of Candian bacon. Prepare these ahead of time and pop in the microwave to heat up. 
  4. Yogurt, granola and berry parfait: you can use individual yogurt cups or place yogurt in a Tupperware with the berries. Make sure to keep your granola in a separate container to avoid soggy granola. 
  5. Overnight oats: there are a lot of recipes out there for different overnight oat combos. Find something you like and mix up a batch on the weekend! Consider adding protein powder to your oats to boost your protein in the morning. 
  6. Smoothie: pre-make smoothie packets to keep in the freezer and all you will need to do is dumb the packet in the blender with some almond milk. There are so many smoothie combinations. Find one you like and you’ve got a breakfast that you can drink on the go! 

If you struggle to come up with breakfast, lunch, snacks or dinner ideas, be sure to set up a free coaching to discuss a plan tailored to your life and goals with a nutrition coach! 

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